Sunday, 23 June 2013

Outfit Of The Week - Urban Decay

See picture on my Instagram - @rachel_doug (Topshop vintage bomber jacket, Ramones T-shirt, Black converse)

Whilst out taking photographs for my A Level art project- Urban Decay- I came across hidden beautiful places. Places, I'm guessing, only few stumble upon! The graffiti wall featured in these pictures, for example, was stumbled upon when driving down a back street while I was lost in a neighbourhood. It was a single wall next to someone's garage, practically untouched. 
These are some of the photos I took on the day. I want to focus on the stories behind the pictures. Houses caught up in fires and abandoned buildings where amongst the findings. Each picture tells its own story.
By the way check out the article written about my blog last year... 


  1. Cool look and pictures ! :)


  2. Oh my, this is a interesting theme: urban decay! And your photos give me a lot what to think about! You are rocking on this outfit!

  3. That is a beautiful outfit!

    There are houses like that nearby where I live, and I just love to go down there and take a look inside or around. Thinking about what have happened there what ones where a place that someone loved and now it is even with the ground really is sad.
